Tuesday 21 January 2014

Roman Bylo’s Advice for Improving Your Painting Skills

Roman Bylo loves to paint and has taken classes that span a range of techniques. He knows that painting is a complex process that involves a lot of time and effort. Painting is a subtle art, so Roman Bylo always seeks to help others to improve their talents. For beginner painters, or for those who are experiencing difficulty, Roman Bylo has tips to share for improving your painting skills.  

Roman Bylo encourages you to buy high quality art supplies. Although better supplies can be more expensive, Roman Bylo knows that the cost is worth it. A well-crafted paint brush can last a lifetime, and more expensive paints typically produce richer, more complex colors. Additionally, high quality paper or canvas helps to give your paints more depth and texture. Roman Bylo knows that successful artists choose their supplies carefully. 

Roman Bylo

Drawing or sketching regularly also helps to improve your painting skills. Practicing via drawing allows you to make mistakes before painting and increases your confidence with creating images. Roman Bylo often sketches in his free time, which he feels has greatly improved his confidence with painting similar images. 

Roman Bylo also recommends having the confidence to experiment with designs and colors. He knows that not every painting will be an award-winning piece, but he enjoys the process of experimenting. Roman Bylo reminds painters that successful painting is all about trial and error. He knows that high quality supplies, regular drawing, and experimenting will increase your painting skills and confidence as an artist.

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